Festus fisherman lands new world record bighead carp

“The good Lord is looking down on me.” George Chance was not talking about the world record fish he caught, but all the glories of his 78-plus years on earth. The retiree said he goes fishing at least three days a week at one of the several spots he has permission to fish near hisContinue reading “Festus fisherman lands new world record bighead carp”

Pending legislation needs support to curb Callery pear tree spread

Frequently I hear people talk about “cutting Callerys,” but I am always disappointed to realize they are saying calories and not the generic name for those nasty Bradford pear trees that are out in full force again this spring. Any spring driving trip near a populated area shows that the invasive species is proliferating. ItContinue reading “Pending legislation needs support to curb Callery pear tree spread”