Research begins to study impact of black vultures on livestock

Like a parent who would not select a favorite kid, I have trouble isolating one bird as the best of the bunch. I’m frequently wowed by the woodpeckers that flock to my suet feeders in the winter. I’m captivated by the brilliant colors of the cardinals, blue jays and goldfinches. Obviously, eagles and other bigContinue reading “Research begins to study impact of black vultures on livestock”

Jefferson County’s annual bear visit could be early this spring

Because it seems like it’s been spring since the end of February, it’s not a surprise that it feels like summer already, and occurrences you wouldn’t expect until Memorial Day are already on the radar.Jefferson County conservation agent Cpl. Lexis Wilson said she received a call last week from someone curious about the potential forContinue reading “Jefferson County’s annual bear visit could be early this spring”